Back in 1996, Luke Bryan and his family faced a devastating tragedy after his brother’s life was stolen in a car accident. At that time, Luke was only 19 years old and was in the midst of starting his journey to fulfill his lifelong dream. For a short while, Luke had to hold pause on chasing his dreams and instead focus on supporting his family. He then worked for their family’s business until his father asked him to stop and urged him to continue pursuing his aspirations and move to Nashville.
Although the country rockstar admits he will never stop grieving over the loss of his brother, he was also aware that the tragedy was what motivated him to strive harder. It led him to learn some of life’s most important lessons. He shared, “It makes you appreciate chasing dreams, you know. You’re like, ‘Hey, you get one go-around at this thing called life and it’s very fragile, so you better go after your dreams.”
His words were heartwarming and deeply encouraging,
Sadly, the death of his brother was the first of three more passing in his family.
He lost his sister, Kelly, aged 39, in 2007, his brother-in-law and late sister’s husband, Ben Lee Cheshire in 2015, and his infant niece, Sadie Brett, earlier this year in February. Sadie suffered from an infected liver along with heart complications.
Luke and his wife, Caroline, decided to adopt one of their orphaned nephews, Til.
Despite the numerous heartache and grieving, Luke chose to remain faithful to God and live every moment of his life as a stronger person.
“Losing my brother changed me tremendously and losing Kelly, even more. I literally do not take one second for granted.” In one of his interviews in 2013, the resilient singer also disclosed, “Your faith has to get you through all that. That’s not saying you don’t question it. But you just have to revert back to your faith in God’s plan, that you’ll be together again and that’s what you have to go on.”