We probably all have listened to a certain song to cheer us up when we’re down; this is exactly what listening to “Oh, What a Savior” feels like. The song, originally written and performed by Marvin Dalton in 1948, relays a message of hope to its listeners – that we must not fret because He will save us from our struggles. There are other versions of the song by other artists, including by Southern gospel quartet, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound.
Dissecting the Lyrics
“Oh, What a Savior” is a song originally written and performed by Marvin Dalton in 1948. The song illustrates the founding of Jesus the Savior, and it reminds us that He will save us from our downfalls if we seek help from Him.
The song begins with a slightly dark undertone. The narrator once felt lost and lived in sin, with “no hope” in sight. That was until the Savior was born to carry the sins of the sinful, save them, and guide them towards salvation. It gives the listeners hope that even in our darkest times, if we seek help in Him, He will be there to save us.
The chorus of the song praises Him, the Savior. For without the sacrifices that He made, the narrator and everyone else would not be saved. It tells us the story of what He had to go through – being “nail scared” and giving up “His life’s blood” – in order to spread the word of God to everyone and be able to save us all.
In the second verse of the song, the narrator reminds us that death is inevitable and that we’ll soon be “crossing” it, but he is not afraid to face it, for His hand will guide him safely towards heaven. The narrator’s faith is strengthened, and he will gladly join the angels up above in singing praise for Him forever and evermore.
The message of the song “Oh, What a Savior” is that when we feel lost and hopeless, we should remember that Jesus will save us from our sins and struggles, and He will guide us towards triumph. No matter the challenges that we face, we should have hope and faith in Him, for He will be there for us until we reach the heavens.
Listen to “Oh, What a Savior” on the video below.